Links to Summaries of Our Monthly Forums

Developmental Editing
Developmental Editing, Feb. 24, 1999
Developmental Editing: Sample Letter of Agreement by John Bergez, Nov. 19, 2002
Developmental Editing: The Work, the Market, and You, Nov. 19, 2002
Doing Freelance Developmental Editing: Tipsheet by John Bergez, Nov. 19, 2002
In-House or Freelance: Teamwork in Developmental Editing, Oct. 18, 2006
The Work of a Developmental Editor, Feb. 20, 2008

Advertising: Opportunities and Insights for Editors, Feb. 21, 2006
Amy Einsohn and the Making of The Copyeditor's Handbook, Feb. 17, 2000
Best Practices/Worst Clients: Good, Bad, and Ugly Editor-Client Relationships, July 15, 2008
Craig Newmark Advocates Fact-Checking As Key to Building Media Trust, June 21, 2010
Best Practices/Worst Clients: Laura Singer on Estimating Editing Projects, July 15, 2008
Chicago Style, XV and Merriam-Webster, 11th by Amy Einsohn and Patricia Egan, Jan. 19, 2005
Cookbook Editing with Jill Fox and Jane Fonda, May 21, 1997
Editing Content in the Medical Field, March 22, 2006
Editing for a Young Audience, April 19, 2005
Editing in a Flat World: Taking Advantage of Globalization, Jan. 27, 2009
Editing in Word: Building Efficiency April 22, 2000
Editing What You Don't Understand, June 14, 2006
Editing What You Don't Understand: Tipsheet, June 14, 2006
Fiction Editing: A Distinguished Panel, Feb. 19, 2003
Grammatical Stumpers and Moral Indignation by Amy Einsohn, May 16, 2002
Puns, Metaphors, and Alliteration Meet Blue Pencil by Marilyn Schwartz, May 16, 2002
Querying the Author Effectively by Hilary Powers, Jan. 16, 2001
Querying the Author: Some Examples by Hilary Powers, Jan. 16, 2001
When the Word, Phrase, and Even the Sentence Are Not Quite Right, May 16, 2002
"Yahoo! Style Guide": Learn How Editing for the Web Isn't Like Editing for Print, Nov. 18, 2010

Adding To Your Editorial Tool Kit: Fact-Checking, February 24, 2009
Adding To Your Editorial Tool Kit: Image Research and Permissions, March 24, 2009
Get Paid More: Negotiate Better Contracts, May 22, 2007
Government Requirements for Contractors, Oct. 14, 1998
Ideas for Finding Editorial Work: Tipsheet, March 18, 2003
Launching a Freelance Editing Business, Jan. 23, 2002
Launching a Freelance Editing Business: Tipsheet, Jan. 23, 2002
Managing Your Authors: How to Handle 'em and When to Wrangle 'em, Jan. 10,2012
Marketing Your Freelance Editorial Services, Jan. 21, 2009
Prospecting for New Business: Tips for Pros and Newbies, Oct. 15, 2008
Reviewing Our Survival Strategies: Finding Work, Jan. 20, 2004
Self-Marketing for the Meek, May 11, 2004
Setting and Getting Your Ideal Rate: A Roundtable for Freelancers, Feb. 19, 1997
Take This Job and Love It: Ideas for Finding Editorial Work, March 18, 2003
Tax and Financial Planning for Freelance Editors, June 21, 2005
Taxes: Giving Unto Caesar, March 25, 1999
Taxes: What the IRS Wants from Your Pocket, Feb. 21, 2002
Tips for Surviving and Thriving as a Freelancer, Feb. 24, 2010
What Do Hiring Editors Want? May 20, 2003
What We Want in a Copyeditor by Staff Editors at Jossey-Bass, May 20, 2003
What's in Your Portfolio? or How Do Editors Show What They Do? March 23, 2005

Indexing a Book and Getting Along with the Indexer, June 25, 1998
Indexing: What Every Editor Should Know by Nancy Mulvany, Nov. 16, 2005
Indexing: Resource Handout by Nancy Mulvany, Nov. 16, 2005
Managing a Multi-Volume Indexing Project, by Cynthia Berman and Ellen Perry, Nov. 18, 2003
Style Sheet Starter-Set for Technical Indexing, by Cynthia Berman, Nov. 18, 2003

Information Design
Adding to Your Editorial Tool Kit: Understand Psychology Behind Online Design, Feb. 28, 2011
Exploring the World of Instructional Design, Feb. 21, 2001
How to Find and Work with a Web Designer, Oct. 21, 2003
How to Find and Work with a Web Designer: A Procedural Outline, Oct. 21, 2003
Information Design for Editors by John Boykin, Oct. 17, 2001
Information Design: An Orientation for Editors by Linda Urban, Oct. 9, 2007
Web Bloopers, Part 1: Avoiding Common Design Mistakes, Sept. 21, 2004
Web Bloopers, Part 2: Avoiding Common Text Errors, Nov. 17, 2004
Your Online Brochure: Design a Site That Markets You Effectively, Sept. 18, 2002

Permissions and Copyright
Adding To Your Editorial Tool Kit: Image Research and Permissions, March 24, 2009
Ben Bagdikian discusses the Internet and Publishing Rights April 17, 2002
Permissions and Copyright, Jan. 19, 2000
Permissions, Copyrights, and Copy Wrongs, March 19, 1998
Shades of Word Theft and Plagiarism, by Robert Pimm, May 28, 2008

Alan Rinzler's Optimism: 44 Years in Publishing, Jan. 23, 2007
Before a Book Becomes a Book: Guiding a Good Idea into Print, April 23, 1996
Between the Pages: Where Editorial and Book Design Workflows Come Together, May 23, 2011
Beyond the Academic Press, May 19, 1999
Book Agents and Editors: The Interaction by Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada, June 20, 2007
Diary from the Frankfurt Book Fair, Oct. 30, 2004
Editors as Book Shepherds in the Digital Era, Nov. 15, 2011
Educational Publishing: Views for Editors, May 18, 2005
Fact-Checking Essentials by Kristina Saar Feb. 16, 2005
Future Directions in Publishing: Learning to Surf the Next Wave, May 25, 2010
Future of the Past: Digital Books, Sept. 18, 2001
Journalism: What Does It Mean to Be Ethical in the Media? March 19, 2002
Miller Freeman Inc./CMP Media: Where Do Editors Fit In? Nov. 18, 1999
Mystery and Thriller Publishing, Sept. 21, 2006
Newsletter Editing: Present and Future, Jan. 16, 2003
New Roles for the Freelance Editor in Self-Publishing, Apr. 25, 2008
The Economics of Print-on-Demand and E-Publishing, Nov. 16, 2000
Publishing and Editing for Nonprofits by Cheryl Woodard and Lucia Hwang, Sept. 16, 2007
Publishing Gamble: Realities and Roulette, May 20, 1998
Publishers' Group West Bankruptcy Update by David Cole, Feb. 22, 2007
Sal Glynn's Dim View of Contemporary Book Publishing, Nov. 14, 2006
Terrors of Book Publishing, Oct. 22, 1997
Understanding the Self-Publishing Process: Overview of Challenges and Issues, June 27, 2011
Web Site Review Checklist, Oct. 21, 2003
What Editors Need to Know About Self-Publishing, April 22, 2003
What It Takes to Manage a Complex Book Project, Sept. 16, 2003

Rate Survey Results
Results of the BAEF 1998 Freelance Rate Survey, Sept. 22, 1998
Results of the BAEF 2000 Freelance Rate Survey, (Summary) June 21, 2001
2000 Rate Survey, Complete results in PDF released June 21, 2001
Results of the BAEF 2005 Rate Survey, May 17, 2006

Showcasing the Work Editors Do
Creepy, Crawly Side to Writing and Editing, Oct. 18, 2000
Getting to Know Each Other and Sharing Our Accomplishments, Feb. 18, 1998
Members' Showcase 1999, Sept. 22, 1999
Members' Showcase 2001, March 22, 2001
Show 'N Tell 2007!,March 21, 2007

Style Sheets
AutoCAD Documentation Style Guide, May 16, 2002
Electronic Editing: Sample Style Sheet, March 29, 2000
Indexer's Style Guide: Some Things to Think About by Cynthia Berman, Nov. 18, 2003
Style Sheet Starter-Set for Technical Indexing, Nov. 18, 2003

Technical Editing
Content Management Systems: What Editors Should Know, Sept. 21, 2005
Contracting and Technical Editing, Oct. 17, 2002
Current Issues in Production, Sept. 19, 2000
DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) for Editors, June 25, 2008
Editing for Interactive Media, April 21, 1998
Entering the Field of Technical Editing, Sept. 24, 2008
Internet Content Development, May 24, 2000
Is High Tech High Stress, High Pay, or Hype? Strategies for Entry, April 22, 1997
The Editor's Electronic Toolbox, April 22, 2008
Wired Style: Anticipate the Future, Jan. 21, 1997
XML Explained, Feb. 18, 2004
XML for Writers and Editors, June 18, 2002

Work Support and Tools
Adobe Acrobat for Editors, July 17 and Sept. 26, 2012
Adobe Acrobat: What's What and What's New?, April 29, 2009
Continuing Education for Editors, June 24, 1999
Electronic Editing, March 29, 2000
Electronic Editing Resources: Tipsheet, March 29, 2000
Electronic Editing: With Your Computer, Not Just On It, March 16, 2004
Electronic Editing: With Your Computer, Not Just On It Tipsheet, March 16, 2004
Ergonomics for Editors, June 29, 2000
Ergonomics for Editors Revisited, Nov. 15, 2001
Ergonomics for Editors: The Body at Work Tipsheet, Nov. 15, 2001
Ergonomics for Editors: Unfolding the Sitting Body Tipsheet, Nov. 15, 2001
Evolving Social Media: Are You In or Out?, May 27, 2009
How to Survive the Dot-Com Meltdown, April 17, 2001
Increase Effectiveness Using Software and Internet Resources, Oct. 20, 2004
Networking for Editors, April 18, 2000
Unleash the Editorial Power of Adobe Acrobat, Oct. 18, 2005
Upgrade Your Skills at New Horizons Computer Learning Centers, Jan. 20, 1998
Working at a Distance: Roundtable, Nov. 20, 1997

Breaking into Technical Writing, Oct. 21, 1999
Magazine Editing and Writing in San Francisco, June 24, 1997
Power Plays: Protecting Creative Rights in the Publishing Business, Nov. 19, 1998
Secrets of the Invisible Man: A Working Ghostwriter Tells All, Sept. 23, 1997
Kisses: The Writing Lives of Irv and Marilyn Yalom, Nov. 5, 2007



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