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    Broaden your search by using * (an asterisk) as a wildcard (e.g., enter writ* instead of writer to get variations such as writer, writers, writing, written, write, writes).

    Our search engine is not case-sensitive; entering Editor and editor will return the same results.

    If your search keywords are more than 3 letters in length, you can use the "+" and "-" boolean syntax to require that keyword to be included or excluded in the results. If you need a copyeditor who knows FrameMaker, type +framemaker +copy*. The same search without the "+" syntax will return results that match on either word.

    If you need an editor who also translates, type the language (e.g., French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Russian, or Spanish). Then press Enter on your keyboard.

    If you are specifically looking for a developmental editor, choose that option from the "Search by Job Title" dropdown menu, then enter * (asterisk) as the search keyword.

    If you want to hire an editor who specializes in work on a Mac, enter Mac onto the search line.

    If you want to hire an editor in a particular city, select the appropriate zip code from the list.

    If you are interested in hiring editors who work in marketing, academic, business, science, mathematics, textbooks, fiction, nonfiction, or any other area, enter the term, word, or phrase that best fits your need. For example, you could narrow a search by entering the phrase college textbooks.

    For best results, check your spelling.

    Send comments or questions to General Information.



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