Ward Webber
In Your Words
68859 Loop Dr.
Hines, OR 97738
Work: 541-508-2406
Home: 541-508-2406
Mobile: 541-661-4800
Click here to contact by email
Website: http://www.inyourwordsediting.com/


I have eight years’ experience as a full-time technical editor, copy editor, and proofreader for Microsoft, Microsoft Press, and Boeing, and as a freelancer have edited and proofread a wide variety of assignments including software user guides, programming guides, textbooks, technical books, magazine articles, doctoral dissertations, and even a role-playing game sourcebook. Work on those projects included developmental and substantive editing and rewriting, copyediting, proofreading, and preparation of tables of contents and reference lists.

I am skilled at applying APA style guidelines to academic papers and am familiar with the Chicago Manual of Style and Scientific Style and Format. I can work in Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat Pro, PowerPoint, Excel, or on paper.

I currently work for Innobuddy, a Beijing education company, editing science and technical journal articles for publication in American journals.

I have worked as a freelance copyeditor and proofreader for two publishers: Esri Press, publishing books about geographic information systems (http://esripress.esri.com/); and No Starch Press, publishing books about computing and computer languages (http://nostarch.com/).

Some of the book manuscripts I have copyedited and proofread:

-- Four titles for Esri Press as copyeditor and proofreader:
Getting to Know ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1
GIS Tutorial for Health
Python Scripting for ArcGIS
Getting to Know ArcGIS ModelBuilder

-- Fifteen titles for No Starch Press as proofreader, including:
Think Like a Programmer: An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving
Python Scripting for ArcGIS
Practical Packet Analysis, 2nd Edition
Ubuntu Made Easy
Master Your Mac: Simple Ways to Tweak, Customize, and Secure OS X

-- Probabilistic Logic Networks: A Comprehensive Framework for Uncertain Inference (nonfiction book)—Springer Science+Business Media
-- A Heuristic for the Constrained One-Sided Two-Layered Crossing Reduction Problem for Dynamic Graph Layout (successful doctoral dissertation)
-- Dimensions of Mentoring Relationships in the Workplace: A Holistic Perspective (successful doctoral dissertation)
-- Mentoring Women of Color for Leadership: Do Barriers Exist? (successful doctoral dissertation)
-- The Mentee Experiences of Asian/Pacific Islander Women Working for the Army: A Heuristic Inquiry (dissertation proposal)
-- The World of Avlis (role-playing game sourcebook)

I have an M.S. in Computer Systems from City University of Seattle and a B.A. in English from the University of British Columbia. I am a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association.




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